As a photographer, I'm sort of flower illiterate, but even I could tell that Eleanor's centerpieces were totally rad. Did I just say rad? OK, I did grow up during the 80s... The bases were sort of a live sod. Very cool.

Throughout the day, we never had to worry where Adam was, because his faithful cattle dog Lacy was keeping a watchful eye. Watching everything else was Barbara Hearne, who kept everything running smoothly while at the same time remaining artfully unobtrusive.

The Sheep Barn has a sweeping view for big skies and sunsets. Many of the guests were bewitched with this, taking a break from their cocktails to shoot this themselves. I tried my best to give them a run for it.

Musical guest was none other than Texas legend Gary P. Nunn. This is the second time this year I've been lucky enough to get hired for the same event as Gary P.

This might be my favorite dancing picture ever.

Gary P. invited any guy who knew the words to come on stage and sing "You don't have to call me darlin', darlin'." I know all the words, but somebody had to take this picture.